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Else Kiesling-Eckel

Naturopath and Shiatsu practitioner


You can call me a healer, therapist, coach, clown, mom, companion, woman, human and much more. Experiences from 50 years of life on this planet, including umpteen training courses in the most diverse areas, such as Shiatsu, naturopathy, Tong Ren, Theta Healing etc. have taught me a lot. All listed one by one, it's a long list that doesn't really say anything about who I am.


In my practice, I give you space to be completely you, just as I am completely me. In this space you create healing for yourself and your body - I stand by you with my "tools" and my perception hold the space until you can do it yourself.


Let's find out together what you need for you and your body right now! I'm looking forward to see you!


From heart to heart


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