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I have always been very interested in women-specific topics, be they physical, mental or spiritual. Based on my own experiences and my additional training or specialization after my Shiatsu basic training, I have learned techniques with the extended meridian system of the miracle vessels, which have a positive effect on the human hormone system. We women in particular are subject to massive hormonal fluctuations over the course of our lives. Any stress, whether physical, emotional or mental, always affects the endocrine system and can really mess it up. Shiatsu creates a nice balance here and brings harmony to chaos. Shiatsu helps bring the whole system back into balance.


Depending on your particular complaints or concerns, I am happy to combine and supplement Shiatsu with other naturopathic therapies such as moxa, cupping, ginger compresses, but also other healing methods such as Tong Ren tapping acupuncture or Theta Healing and Aura Surgery.


Shiatsu always works holistically, i.e. on body, mind and soul! We don't just want to eliminate the symptom, we want to find the root and therefore it often takes a few sessions for changes to become noticeable.


Why or with which symptoms or in which situations could Shiatsu help you? Here some examples:


  • You are in a crisis! (e.g. separation/divorce) Your sleep is bad, your digestion is on strike, you have fears, in a word: your nervous system used to be more stable


  • You are in a hormonal upheaval - greetings from the menopause! Unwanted weight gain, hair loss, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, irritability, depressive moods and so on...


  • You don't have any serious physical symptoms, but recurring life issues that rob you of your energy physically, but above all emotionally


  • You would like to work on your body feeling, you have the impression that you don't really feel yourself well and you go beyond your limits too often


  • You just want to be touched, physically, mentally, spiritually and you are looking for a way to arrive completely with yourself and to relax - balm for body, mind and soul, so to speak


Not sure if Shiatsu is right for you? Then book your free preliminary talk now .

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